The OCUF is a 501(C) 3 and a California recognized domestic nonprofit whose specific objectives are geared toward community outreach.
Formed in 2006, the foundation uses innovative methods to addressing community needs and to improve the quality of life for residents of the diverse communities of Southern California.
The foundation provides limited financial support to graduating high school seniors, funds community-based nonprofit and civic organizations, sponsors and assists in charitable, social and educational activities that produce tangible positive benefits for society. The foundation also offers an economic education program and health awareness program.
Show Your Support Today!
Helping diverse communities and their citizens is a never ending job. There are always people and causes in need. Please help us to continue our support by giving a generous donation today.

How to Help
Whether it's through monetary gifts, in-kind donations or volunteering, corporate sponsors play a vital part of helping us fund the various programs and services. If you want to become a Corporate Donor, please contact us for possible partnerships, sponsorships, and other opportunities.